
Some interesting anthro links...

geeky stuff no doubt - but interesting nonetheless...

I had a hunch this was a sham ... the lack of archaeologial evidence of Jesus goes on...

Gorillas are even more amazing than I thought ... go read Ishmael!

I've often wondered how one can tell by the lenghth of say, a femur, and a piece of skull, that one is dealing with an entirely new species. Never seemed to be all that "scientific" to me. Guess I'm not alone...
This site also has articles discussing: Meditation's effects on the brain, evidence that the human brain evolved faster than should be expected, a number of articles discussing examples of catastrophic climatic changes in the last 15,000 years (with one article even suggesting that the witch hunts might have been in part motivated by the "little Ice Age" in Europe between 1500ish and 1800ish), evidence that complex Andean societies existed earlier than previously thought, how rituals and myths evolve with societies, and, my fave, proof of fermentation 9000 years ago in China.

We live in an amazing world, so rich, so full of amazing moments, adventures, lives, discoveries. And so often , we choose to watch TV intead of engaging directly in the world around us. I'm guilty of this too.

I know why my lady hates the damn box. And I'm glad she gives me shit when I stare at it for too long.

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